
メルマガ Newsletter Vol.2






Dear Origami Friend,

How are you doing?

It's "thick fog descends", #39 OF 72 SEASONS in Japan.


Teru Kutsuna Origami
Teru Kutsuna Origami

*** 折紙で笑顔に ***



--- Origami Smiles ---

I conducted origami classes for a cultural event during a convention in Tokyo on Aug 2 and 3. I shared how to fold a "Origami Crane" and Bravo Fujiyama."

We shared smiles with folding TFO, Shark, and Ninja.


Mt. Fuji Origami あっぱれフジヤマ 

Origami Meditation for Your Happiness
Origami Meditation for Your Happiness

*** 折紙の楽しみ ***


Origami Meditation for Your Happiness



--- Origami Fun ---

Origami Meditation for Your Happiness

I will share contemplative Origami life. That is for your inner peace, which realizes universal peace.


*** 感動の折紙 ***




--- Impressive Origami ---

Very nice work of Hajime Komiya Hajime, which can be flatten to use as a wrapping or be expanded to a box. 

Rabbit designed by Jun Maekawa
Rabbit designed by Jun Maekawa

*** おすすめ情報 ***

本格折り紙|前川 淳



--- Recommended Book ---

Genuine Origami: 43 Mathematically-Based Models, from Simple to Complex by Jun Maekawa


This book covers very sophisticated models along with essence of various origami principles, it's must-have-book. 



あなたが⽣活の中に瞑想を取り⼊れ、⼼を整理整頓し、浄めて、執着を⼿放し、平和を祈ることによって、⾃分の⼼がより良い⽅向に⽅向づけられ、 正しい道を歩いていくことができます。



〜 ヨグマタ


Making Yourself Center of World Peace

By adopting meditation in your life, organizing your mind, purifying yourself, releasing attachment, and praying for peace, your mind becomes set in a good direction and you can walk on the right path.

By making peace within, you can bring peace to this world. You can create world peace.

I hope each one of you will pray for world peace and start meditation, to transform yourself, become a person with love and a person of peace.  -  Yogmata


慈愛と調和と感謝 b(^o^)d

国際折紙講師 沓名 輝政


Love, harmony, and gratitude :-)

Teru Kutsuna

International origami instructor

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