沓名 輝政(くつな てるまさ):国際折紙講師。日本折紙協会認定講師。日本折紙学会認定指導員。ここ15年間で国内外のべ11,000人に講習。


Teru Kutsuna: International Origami Instructor. Certified Origami Instructor of Nippon Origami Association (NOA) and Japan Origami Academic Society (JOAS). 11,000 students in 15 years. 




Origami, and paper folding, have been the culture of Japan for more than 400 years. I believe Origami is one of the communication tools to spread “WA: meaning peace, harmony, circle, dialogue, Japanese style, and so on” to the world. "Peace of mind when holding, great impression upon completion, and smiles surrounding it." are what I want to share with people all over the world.


< 折紙歴 >


2013年以降:日本折紙協会主催の「折紙シンポジウム in 東京」にて講師を担当。東京の日本折紙協会にて毎月1回折紙講習を担当。関東の高齢者養護施設、民間図書館、リハビリセンターにて折紙教室を開催。関東のカフェにて「折紙カフェ」を開催。国際企業や大学などの団体者(数百名規模)向けに折紙デモンストレーション・折紙講習を実施。東京の図書館やホテルにて英語で折り紙講習を定期的に担当。

2018年以降:日本折紙協会、カルチャーセンター、身体障害者センターにて折紙教室を定期開催。日本折紙協会シンポジウムにて折紙教室の講師・国際交流部会の議長を担当。日本折紙学会コンベンションにて講師を担当。各大学にて定期的に日本文化(折り紙)講習を実施。Eテレ「天才てれびくんYOU」に折紙の専門家として出演。銀座三越の地下二階食品売り場の装飾用折り紙作品を提供。「世界の人と楽しむ折り紙」(山梨明子、藤本祐子 共著、日貿出版社)の英訳と英文校正を担当。近年は、主に国際企業向けに年間1,000人以上にオンライン講習。1日で世界三大陸の1,350人の外国人にオンラインで折紙講習。オリンピックのVIPルーム向け折紙インスタレーションを提供。その他、国際イベントでの折紙体験講習など多数。


< Activities >

2018 and later: Conducted monthly ORIGAMI classes at NOA, community center. Performed instruction/facilitation at a meeting in ORIGAMI symposium of NOA. Conducted instruction in ORIGAMI convention of JOAS. Run Origami classes at universities periodically. Performed as an ORIGAMI specialist at TV program of NHK. Provided ORIGAMI works to Ginza Mitsukoshi for their display at food area on B2F. Helped to publish an origami book “ORIGAMI fun with people all over the world!” with adding English explanation. In recent years, trained over 1,000 people per year, primarily for international companies; in one day, provided online origami training to 1,350 employees of large U.S. companies on three continents. Provided origami installations for VIP rooms at the Tokyo Olympic. Many other Origami workshops for VIPs visiting Japan and at international events.

2013 and later: Performed as an ORIGAMI instructor in the ORIGAMI symposium of NOA. Had ORIGAMI classes every month at NOA office. Held ORIGAMI classes at a nursing home, a library, a rehabilitation facility, a hospital, and cafes. Conducted many ORIGAMI demonstrations and instructions for tourists from overseas, both large groups (30 to 600 persons) and small groups: family (about 5 persons).

2005 and later: Reminded fantastic ORIGAMI world in my early thirties by a book that I loved when I was 5 years old. Learned "Helmet Crab" in a class performed by Mr. Satoshi Kamiya, one of the world leaders of complicated ORIGAMI. Founded an ORIGAMI circle "ORIGMI NO WA" in Kamagaya, Chiba, gathering on the first Saturday of each month (the first and third since the year 2017).

折紙文化事業・講習のご案内 Origami Experience & Lecture
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